CICS’s Social Neuroscience Public Workshop in April
Monday, 1 April, 2013 | CALENDAR, EVENTS, NEWSThe Social Neuroscience Workshop reviews basic elements of social and cognitive neuroscience. The talks (1 session per day) are oriented to diverse and non-specialist public. The main objectives are (i) to provide basic tools for understanding current research and, (ii) to build bridges for multidisciplinary research in this area.
Professors: Dr. Pablo Billeke and Dr. Francisco Zamorano, both members of CICS’s research team.
This workshop is part of the proyect Anillo CONICYT “Social Complexity” SOC1101.
–Methodological Module
Session 1: Brain imaging methods with special focus on functional MRI
Session 2: Methods to measure brain electrical activity with special focus on surface electroencephalography
-Neurobiological Module
Session 3: Functional neuroanatomy and brain networks
Session 4: Social Neuroscience: brain networks involved in social processing and neurobiological studies of social interaction.
General information:
When: Thursdays 4th April, 11th April, 18th April, 25th April 13:30 hrs. – 15:45 hrs.
Where: Sala E4, Universidad del Desarrollo, campus Rector Ernesto Silva Bafalluy, Av. La Plaza 680, Las Condes.
Language: Spanish (questions and commentaries in English are very welcome).
To confirm your attendance and more information: [email protected]
(all sesions include coffe break)