Durante el 16 al 20 de enero se desarrollará la Escuela de Verano de CICS el cual cuenta con cinco cursos certificados para doctorandos y cinco charlas abiertas a toda la comunidad.
El Centro de Investigación en Complejidad Social (CICS) de la Facultad de Gobierno de la Universidad del Desarrollo entiende que ...
The Center for Research in Social Complexity (CICS in spanish) of the Faculty of Government of Universidad del Desarrollo and the Laboratory of Animal and Human Behavior (LabCAH) of Universidad de Playa Ancha, are pleased to invite you to the II Interdisciplinary Conference "Bases of Human Behavior 2017".
The event will be ...

For the second year in a row, the MIT Media Lab Macro Connections Group and the Social Complexity Research Center at UDD, together with its doctoral program in Social Complexity Sciences, will conduct an intensive research project in Valparaiso that will bring together teachers and students from both institutions in ...

The Social Complexity Research Center (CICS) of the Government Faculty at Universidad del Desarrollo, together with the Complex Systems Institute of Valparaiso, will held their First Session of Interdisciplinary Discussions: “The Foundations of Human Behavior”.
This event is scheduled for October 6 th and 7 th at UDD and ISCV, respectively. This session seeks to ...

B3 is an intense four week RESEARCH CAMP combining graduate students from the Macro Connections Group at the MIT Media Lab, the Center for Research for Social Complexity at Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), and selected students from other graduate programs in Chile. B3 is led by Cesar A. Hidalgo, PhD ...

CICS will host an afternoon for open and multidisciplinary dialogue where results from the FONDEF IDeA CA13I10339 research project will be presented. This project developed a videogame that allows researchers to measure sociability amongst school children.
Argentinian researcher Daniel Miguez and Chilean researcher Guillermo Zamora, both of whom are experts in ...

Santiago, Chile
July 29 – August 1, 2015
Atoms have no morality, physics has no morality—so why do humans have morality? This conference explores the cognitive foundations and evolutionary origins of moral reasoning, moral judgments, and moral emotions.
Human social life is steeped in moral concepts (right versus wrong, obligation, cheater, trustworthy, free ...

Lectures from Isabel Behncke from the University of Oxford, Katarzyna Nowak from the University of Cambridge, and Beau Lotto from the University of Edinburgh, will mark the closure event for the year 2014 for the Research Center for Social Complexity.
The activity “Season Finale CICS” “Cognition and Behavior in human and ...

The Meeting on Evolutionary Psychology will start with an opening keynote from the renowned Harvard University's anthropologist, Dr. Richard Wrangham. He will be followed by numerous of the most outstanding exhibitions presented at The Human Behavior and Evolution Conference (HBES) 2014. The closing lecture will be delivered by Dr. ...

Leda Cosmides is currently Professor of Psychology at the Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences at the University of California (UCBS), also founder and co director of the the UCBS Center for Evolutionary Psychology. She obtained her PhD in Cognitive Psychology at Harvard, did postdoctoral work with Roger Shepard at ...