For the first time, UDD distinguishes a Permanent Visiting Professor: Leda Cosmides from CICS
Tuesday, 14 May, 2019
Isabel Behncke: a “mujer bacana” of the CICS who joins Violeta Parra and Joan of Arc
Tuesday, 12 March, 2019
The effects demographic transition has on the social network, is the topic addressed by CICS researcher, Tamas David-Barrett, in his most recent paper
Tuesday, 26 February, 2019
[PAPER] NeuroCICS researchers have recently published a study that contributes to clarifying social difficulties in children with austistic spectrum disorders (ASD)
Monday, 25 February, 2019
Janos Kértesz and the Econophysics: “Theory is being continually challenged by observation”
Wednesday, 30 January, 2019
[Invention Patent] “A method for processing cerebral images”: the challenge of detecting the epilepsy early
Thursday, 24 January, 2019
[United Kingdom] CICS Researcher and DCCS Professor, Tamas David-Barrett, presents the Richard Wrangham’s new book on evolution, violence and war
Monday, 21 January, 2019
[RESEARCH CAMP 2019] Noshir Contractor, SONIC LAB’s Director: “This group of students has an interdisciplinary Doctorate that is not very common in the world”
Friday, 18 January, 2019