CICS’s “Networks everywhere: What does Twitter, our society and brain have in common?” Public Workshop

Monday, 7 October, 2013 | CALENDAR, EVENTS, NEWS



In this workshop we will present properties of Complex Networks and their implications in our life. Complex Network Theory is a branch of Complexity Sciences, the research field responsible for studying Complex Systems. Through examples and simulations, the participants will learn about common properties behind systems that seem at first sight completely different, such as genetic networks, social networks and telecommunication networks. The aim of the course is to ponder on the meaning of living in a world where connectivity seems to be the most important.

Instructor: Dr. Juan Pablo Cárdenas, CICS, Facultad de Gobierno, Universidad del Desarrollo.

CICS’s Workshops are oriented to a diverse and non-specialist audience. The workshops aim to disseminate frontier research in the social sciences, and to build bridges for interdisciplinary research.

This workshop is part of the proyect Anillo CONICYT  “Social Complexity” SOC-1101.


1.Introduction to Complexity

  • Complexity Sciences
  • Properties of Complex Systems

2.Complex Systems as Networks

  • Network Theory
  • Network properties

3.Complex Networks

  • Complex Network definition
  • Properties of Complex Networks
  • Models and applications of Complex Networks


General Information

When: Wednesdays 23th and 30th October. 13:00 hrs. -15:15  hrs. (all sesions include coffe break)

 Where: E1 Classroom, (second floor, E Building) Universidad del Desarrollo, Campus Rector Ernesto Silva Bafalluy, Av. La Plaza 680, Las Condes.

Language: Spanish (questions and comments in English are very welcome).



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