Archivo de Tags ‘ISHE’

Isabel Behncke makes a presentation at the last day of the ISHE 2018

Friday, 7 September, 2018 |
This Friday was the closing day of the 24th World Congress of the Society of Human Ethology that, for the second time, arrived in South America after ...

With a great audience, DCCS students from CICS launched their posters at ISHE

Thursday, 6 September, 2018 |
The third day of ISHE was marked by the presentations of the students of the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences from CICS, Mauricio Aspé, Oriana Figueroa and ...

A successful Opening Session had ISHE 2018 in Santiago

Tuesday, 4 September, 2018 |
The first day of the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Human Ethology (ISHE) 2018, held at the Plaza San Francisco Hotel in Santiago de ...