Archivo de Tags ‘udd’

Las relaciones sociales recíprocas en la sala de clases mejoran el rendimiento escolar

Monday, 9 January, 2023 |
Un estudio de CICS llevado a cabo en casi 900 niños de educación básica en Chile encontró que, aquellos niños que tenían altos niveles de reciprocidad con ...

Contribute to science: open call for participants who have had a non-COVID respiratory illness during the pandemic

Friday, 17 June, 2022 |
NeuroCICS laboratory, along with Clínica Alemana, is looking for volunteers for the control group of the study on the neurological consequences of the pandemic virus. Participants must ...

Universidad del Desarrollo will support the implementation of 5 initiatives on COVID-19

Monday, 21 September, 2020 |
Five of these projects originated at the Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), which had been placed on the waiting list during the competition for the Rapid Allocation of ...

Political polarization in today’s Chile: analysis of the DCCS director in La Tercera

Tuesday, 18 August, 2020 |
Given the current scenario our country is going through, and not only with regard to the Pandemic and quarantines in Chile, but also the vote for the ...

The DCCS CICS welcomes the new generation of students

Monday, 10 August, 2020 |
This Friday, August 7, concluded the week of welcoming the new generation of students of the Doctorate in Sciences of Social Complexity, who are integrated in a ...

The DCCS CICS has now its 5th PhD in Social Complexity Sciences

Friday, 7 August, 2020 |
Mauricio Aspé Sánchez, psychologist and student of the 2015 generation of the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) of the Faculty of Government of the Universidad del ...

[FullCICS] Understanding human behavior from a functional perspective

Wednesday, 1 July, 2020 |
Interdiscipline is the central axis for the work at the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) of the Faculty of Government, UDD. In this sense, its institutional ...

Cerebral Cortex publishes CICS study on feedback stimuli in the anterior insula, which would be crucial to learn how to adapt to different situations

Thursday, 18 June, 2020 |
The prestigious Cerebral Cortex Journal - which publishes papers on the development, organization, plasticity and function of the cerebral cortex, including the hippocampus - has just published ...

CICS Article on the relationship between teaching strategies and academic performance is published in American Physical Society

Friday, 12 June, 2020 |
Social networks and academic performance in physics: Undergraduate cooperation enhances ill-structured problem elaboration and inhibits well-structured problem solving is the most recent work of Associate Researcher, Cristian ...

The DCCS CICS publishes its first digital journal

Tuesday, 12 May, 2020 |
The digital format was chosen for the recent publication of the first journal of the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) and the Research Center in Social ...

Isabel Behncke: “We spend trillions of dollars on defense systems and we’re brought to our knees by a strand of RNA”

Monday, 13 April, 2020 |
These days the agenda of Isabel Behncke Izquierdo, Primatologist and Researcher at the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) of the Universidad del Desarrollo, has been full. ...

CICS DCCS has now its first woman as PhD in Social Complexity Sciences

Friday, 13 March, 2020 |
While three students have already graduated from the CICS doctoral program, the DCCS has its first woman Doctor and the Universidad del Desarrollo has two. María Teresa ...

The DCCS CICS has a new doctorate graduate in Social Complexity Sciences

Friday, 31 January, 2020 |
Accompanied by family, friends and DCCS students, Jorge Urrutia Mosquera, of the Doctorate in  Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) belonging to the second generation of doctoral students of ...

CICS and DCCS organize talk on violence and Public Opinion in the context of social breakdown

Friday, 6 December, 2019 |
Santiago - This Wednesday, December 4th, the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) together with the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS), organized the talk "Mass Violence ...

Outstanding participation of CICS and UDD in successful II Seminar of Science and Innovation in the PUC

Monday, 7 October, 2019 |
On Friday, October 4th, the “II Seminar of Science and Innovation: when knowledge is not enough” was held at the UC Innovation Center, organized by the CEM ...

Seminar organized by CEBCS and CICS showed important results on child welfare in Chile

Friday, 4 October, 2019 |
Last Tuesday, October 1 and Wednesday, October 2, the International Seminar “Child Welfare in Chile: contributions from the School” was held in Santiago and Concepción, respectively, whose ...

CICS Director gives Keynote Talk about the opportunities and obstacles facing interdisciplinary work in Social Sciences

Tuesday, 10 September, 2019 |
At the beginning of the month, the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) Director of the Faculty of Government of the Universidad del Desarrollo, Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert, gave ...

CICS UDD is awarded a Fondef to develop a platform that allows a better decision in Higher Education

Wednesday, 28 August, 2019 |
In 2019, 154,366 young people applied for the Sistema Único de Admisión ([SUA] single admission system) which includes 41 universities, and establishes a student selection system of ...

Two representatives of CICS UDD participated in the first day of pitch presentation of the HubTecGO program

Tuesday, 13 August, 2019 |
This Monday, was held at the Hotel Plaza El Bosque in Las Condes the first pitch of the projects from the technology maturation program, “HubTecGO!”, whose objective ...

Dr. Francisco Zamorano’s Fondecyt: “Soccer can be seen as a model of war, but in times of peace”

Friday, 26 July, 2019 |
"In his life, a man can change women, political parties or religions, but he cannot change soccer teams." - Eduardo Galeano People organize their lives around group identities ...

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