Archivo de Tags ‘neurocics’

Research on music education in children by Dr. Leonie Kausel from CICS, is featured in Frontiers en Neuroscience

Tuesday, 20 October, 2020 |
Attention and working memory (WM) are basic components of executive functions, and can be improved through training. One activity that has been shown to improve executive functions ...

The DCCS CICS has now its 5th PhD in Social Complexity Sciences

Friday, 7 August, 2020 |
Mauricio Aspé Sánchez, psychologist and student of the 2015 generation of the Doctorate in Social Complexity Sciences (DCCS) of the Faculty of Government of the Universidad del ...

Outstanding participation of CICS and UDD in successful II Seminar of Science and Innovation in the PUC

Monday, 7 October, 2019 |
On Friday, October 4th, the “II Seminar of Science and Innovation: when knowledge is not enough” was held at the UC Innovation Center, organized by the CEM ...

[PAPER] NeuroCICS researchers have recently published a study that contributes to clarifying social difficulties in children with austistic spectrum disorders (ASD)

Monday, 25 February, 2019 |
The Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are considered one of the most complex neurodevelopmental disorders to understand. People suffering from autism spectrum disorders are characterized by difficulties that ...

[Invention Patent] “A method for processing cerebral images”: the challenge of detecting the epilepsy early

Thursday, 24 January, 2019 |
The PhD. in Medical Sciences, Francisco Zamorano Mendieta, of the division of Neuroscience of the Research Center for Social Complexity (CICS) of the Faculty of Government of ...

“What happens within the fans’ brain?”, is the question addressed by Dr. Francisco Zamorano on the Fox Sport Radio program

Tuesday, 11 September, 2018 |
"Soccer can be considered as a model of war" is the clear assertion of Dr. Francisco Zamorano Mendieta, specialist in Medical Sciences and researcher at the Research ...

NeuroCICS Team will be on the OBHM Annual Meeting, Singapur 2018

Monday, 26 March, 2018 |
On June 2018 the Annual Congress of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OBHM) will be held on Singapore, where a team from NeuroCICS will participate with ...

[PAPER] Cerebral oscillatory activity reflects memory alterations in patients with autism

Monday, 13 November, 2017 |
The NeuroCICS researcher, Josefina Larraín, led a study published by the journal Scientific Reports, in which the patterns of oscillatory activity in the brain were evaluated in ...

Why do we seek for danger?

Friday, 3 November, 2017 |
The researcher of the NeuroCICS and Ph.D in Medical Sciences Francisco Zamorano reflects on fear, one of the most discussed topics during this week in which many chileans celebrated ...