Archivo de Tags ‘Cooperation’

CICS Article on the relationship between teaching strategies and academic performance is published in American Physical Society

Friday, 12 June, 2020 |
Social networks and academic performance in physics: Undergraduate cooperation enhances ill-structured problem elaboration and inhibits well-structured problem solving is the most recent work of Associate Researcher, Cristian ...

Dr. Francisco Zamorano’s Fondecyt: “Soccer can be seen as a model of war, but in times of peace”

Friday, 26 July, 2019 |
"In his life, a man can change women, political parties or religions, but he cannot change soccer teams." - Eduardo Galeano People organize their lives around group identities ...

In a successful talk organized by CICS, Andrew Sliwinski, presented Scratch, the programming tool for children

Monday, 3 June, 2019 |
In the mid-1990s, and having a big entrance in the 21st century, technology in education began to have more force within the classrooms in a transversal manner. ...

[United Kingdom] CICS Researcher and DCCS Professor, Tamas David-Barrett, presents the Richard Wrangham’s new book on evolution, violence and war

Monday, 21 January, 2019 |
The Conway Hall Ethical Society, formerly known as the South Place Ethical Society, is considered the oldest free thought organization in the world and the only remaining ...

“Breaking away from the principle that ‘the other’ is an enemy, is a change of mentality that we have to do” says CICS Researcher

Wednesday, 17 October, 2018 |
An outstanding participation had the director and academic of the eResearch Center for Social Complexity (CICS, as its Spanish acronym), Carlos Rodríguez-Sickert, in a new episode of ...

A successful Opening Session had ISHE 2018 in Santiago

Tuesday, 4 September, 2018 |
The first day of the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Human Ethology (ISHE) 2018, held at the Plaza San Francisco Hotel in Santiago de ...

Seminar related to Fondef project, “Digital Games Platform for measuring the willingness to cooperate for school coexistence” will be held at the UDD

Friday, 24 August, 2018 |
In the framework of the "Digital Games Platform for measuring the willingness to cooperate for school coexistence" project (IT15I10079) financed by the Fondo de Fomento al Desarrollo ...

CICS is awarded with funds to develop the second phase of a FONDEF Project

Friday, 11 March, 2016 |
After receiving excellent evaluation on the first phase of the project titled “Digital games platform to measure willingness to cooperate in school children”, and a successful application ...

Videogame Theory

Saturday, 14 November, 2015 | BULLYING AND (VIDEO) GAME THEORY Platform of Digital Games is a tool that allows to make a description closer to how the children of this cycle relate to ...

CICS’s co-director spoke at UDD’s seminar on Entrepreneurial responsibility, cooperation and commitment

Thursday, 25 June, 2015 |
The Universidad del Desarrollo’s Masters in Business Administration (MBA) Program (School of Business and Economics), organized “The pillars of the modern enterprise: responsibility, cooperation and commitment” seminar, ...

Meritocracy and Topocracy of Networks

Monday, 2 December, 2013 |
TO EACH ACCORDING TO HIS, WHAT? In this project, a network market is studied mathematically, where individuals obtain resources from two channels: individual talent and intermediation benefits (by ...

CICS’s “Why do people cooperate? Lessons from experimental game-theory” Public Workshop

Monday, 5 August, 2013 |
CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE HERE In this workshop we will present two game-theoretic models of cooperation: the public good game and the common pool resource game. We will also ...

Structure of the Moral Judgments in the General Population

Tuesday, 3 July, 2012 |
KILL ONE OR SAVE FIVE? How do we decide what course to take in complex situations? Ricardo Guzmán studies the consistency of our intuitions against a parameterized moral ...

Beneficial effects of human altruism

Tuesday, 16 August, 2011 |
Mariana Lozada, Paola D'Adamo and Miguel Angel Fuentes. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 289, 12–16, 2011. ABSTRACT In this work we review converging evidence from several lines of research which ...