Archivo de Tags ‘isabel behncke’

Isabel Behncke: “We spend trillions of dollars on defense systems and we’re brought to our knees by a strand of RNA”

Monday, 13 April, 2020 |
These days the agenda of Isabel Behncke Izquierdo, Primatologist and Researcher at the Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS) of the Universidad del Desarrollo, has been full. ...

Two CICS researchers publish study related to Mozart’s master piece and complex social networks

Thursday, 20 June, 2019 |
[caption id="attachment_3514" align="alignleft" width="150" class="align-left align-left "] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.[/caption] By the end of June, the book Evolution and Popular Narrative, edited by Dirk Vanderbeke and Brett ...

Strong presence of CICS researchers and DCCS students in the 31st version of the HBES 2019 Congress in Boston

Wednesday, 5 June, 2019 |
Presentations covered topics as diverse as the role of social joy in evolution, elicitation jealousy in the laboratory, demographic processes and adherence to social norms; and the ...

Isabel Behncke and her visit to the Congo: “It helped me a lot to have tolerance for uncertainty”

Friday, 17 May, 2019 |
With a full space with more than 100 people, Isabel Behncke, primatologist, PhD in Evolutionary Anthropology at the University of Oxford, and collaborating researcher at the Research ...

Isabel Behncke: a “mujer bacana” of the CICS who joins Violeta Parra and Joan of Arc

Tuesday, 12 March, 2019 |
A few years ago, the journalists Sofía García Huidobro, Fernanda Claro, Concepción Quintana and Isabel Plant, began to write a blog where they uploaded the biography of ...

Isabel Behncke makes a presentation at the last day of the ISHE 2018

Friday, 7 September, 2018 |
This Friday was the closing day of the 24th World Congress of the Society of Human Ethology that, for the second time, arrived in South America after ...

A successful Opening Session had ISHE 2018 in Santiago

Tuesday, 4 September, 2018 |
The first day of the 24th World Congress of the International Society for Human Ethology (ISHE) 2018, held at the Plaza San Francisco Hotel in Santiago de ...

The role of music in the formation of social structures

Friday, 26 January, 2018 |
Primatologist Isabel Behncke and Great Place to Rock co-founder, Hernán Rojas, launched the "Social Tech Lab", a joint initiative to deepen understanding of social technologies and the ...

CICS researcher Isabel Behncke will present on the first official TED Talk in Spanish

Monday, 10 April, 2017 |
For the first time in TED history, an official full session of lectures in Spanish will be held at the annual conference in Vancouver, which will be ...

Outstanding primatologist Isabel Behncke joins CICS

Thursday, 8 December, 2016 |
The most outstanding Chilean primatologist, Isabel Behncke Izquierdo has been trained - in Cambridge and Oxford - in the study of animal behavior and evolutionary anthropology. Since her ...

Renowned International Researchers spoke at CICS end of year event

Wednesday, 24 December, 2014 |
The Research Center in Social Complexity (CICS), at Universidad del Desarrollo’s Faculty of Government, organized a Season Finale event which featured lectures from TED fellows Isabel Behncke and ...